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In addition to our mission to contribute to 100% student placement by offering effective linkages between students, colleges, and employers for sustained and inclusive economic empowerment, we are launching the CUPA Online Resource Centre. Here we will be sharing different opportunities- both local and international- at your fingertips. These will include, but not limited to: Scholarships, Funding, internships, fellowships, grants and other fully or partially training resources.

We have the belief that an opportunity can dramatically change the trajectory of your life, you only need to be aware of it. After 4 years in Secondary school, many students lack sufficient information on training opportunities available to them. Many go through life believing that their grade, financial situation, or family background does not allow them to progress further in terms of education or business.

At CUPA, we aim to bridge the existing information gaps and barriers between learners and institutions of higher learning in Africa and beyond. Through our services and community engagement, we aim to increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for decent employment, and entrepreneurship. Inspire, empower and transform. That is what we hopr this resource centre achieves with members of our community.

So, join our WhatsApp group today and stay up-to-date!

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